Graffiti cleaning

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Restore your building to its original appearance!

Contact the team today to discuss our graffiti cleaning service .

In France, graffiti is a real scourge and is considered the most widespread form of vandalism. In fact, dozens of buildings are damaged every day. In addition, apart from the fact that they are particularly unpleasant to look at, tags and graffiti contribute to reducing the value of real estate. In order to restore dignity to your building, your premises or your home, we are a company specializing in cleaning tags and graffiti on any surface. As professionals, we operate throughout the Paris region and Île-de-France to clean your exterior walls.

Why clean tags and graffiti on your wall?

Generally perpetrated by young delinquents or by street artists, many tags and graffiti litter the walls of buildings and houses in Paris and in Île-de-France. Whether it is a pure act of vandalism for fun, they only bring problems to the owners of the property.

On the one hand, graffiti is particularly difficult to remove. In fact, they are generally made using spray paint. When left there for too long, this substance will eventually become deeply embedded in the wall. It will therefore take more effort to get rid of it without damaging the wall. On the other hand, most tags are far from visually appealing. For good reason, these are most often made by adolescents. Thus, it contributes to degrading the image of the house or building, especially if it is a professional or commercial premises.

In order to avoid this type of situation, we We are a company specializing in all cleaning work in Paris and Île-de-France. Thanks to our expertise, we will remove tags and graffiti from your walls, taking care not to damage your paint. Furthermore, in order to give you satisfaction, we rigorously select and train the agents we deploy in the field.

What are the different cleaning techniques to remove graffiti?

Depending on the surfaces to be treated and the level of encrustation of the paint, we use different methods to remove graffiti from your walls in Paris and Île-de-France. These include:
which consists of removing the tags by spraying an exfoliating product at low pressure
qui consiste à nettoyer le graffiti en utilisant une buse à basse pression alimentée avec un mélange d’air, d’eau et de microgranulats
qui consiste à retirer le graffiti par l’intermédiaire d’un jet d’eau puissant
such as acetone and chlorinated solvents
L’aérogommage, l’hydrogommage et le nettoyage à Haute Pression sont des méthodes écologiques pour retirer les graffitis présents sur vos murs. C’est pour cette raison que nous privilégions ces méthodes afin de préserver votre santé et l’aspect physique de vos murs. Bien qu’efficaces, les solvants sont en réalité très abrasifs et pourraient détériorer la surface à nettoyer.

Who can you call to clean graffiti on your wall in Paris and Île-de-France?

In certain neighborhoods, the municipality organizes a general cleaning program for all graffiti on the walls. Unfortunately, it does not have sufficient manpower and many places are often neglected. And even if the agents reach your building, the job risks being poorly done.

Therefore, it is preferable to call on a specialized company such as ours to remove the graffiti present on your walls. Thanks to solid training in the field, our cleaning agents will be able to work quickly and efficiently to restore a little shine to your premises.

As a professional in cleaning, our services also include repairs of your windows. Sometimes, it happens that the latter are also victims of tags and graffiti.

Graffiti cleaning services Paris & IDF

Cleaning services for professionals and individuals